Monday, March 07, 2005


Things are getting darker. Well, as this is Sams, that should hardly be a surprise - but it's interesting how much it hits you. Suddenly.

Like this. At the end of the evening, one of the instructors talked about a call she'd had.

"This guy had been accused of rape. He was tried and found not guilty. But meanwhile, his wife and kids had left because they thought he was a rapist; he'd lost his job because they thought he was a rapist; he'd lost his council house because they thought he was a rapist.... he called us from a phonebooth to tell us he was about to kill himself. Then he did.

"He wished he'd been convicted. He'd have served - hard - time inside - then when he came out, he'd have had all the social services making sure he had somewhere to live.. advice on claiming benefits... all the services that vulnerable convicted rapists need.* But after being acquitted - he had nothing. No support whatsoever. So..."

So an innocent man is left, kidless, jobless, homeless.

It could happen to you.